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The racing swim goggles chosen to be in the Aqua Shop range are always based upon good quality, price and performance given to the swimmer.

Each one is a leading branded goggle, with a smaller lens to reduce the drag when racing to aid the swimmer  to move quicker through the water.

The brands you will find at present include TYR, View, MP, AquaSphere, FINIS and more


Each swimming goggle is made with the highest quality in mind to provide the greatest benefits to the swimmer in the water. 

Note: Select goggle to read more about what each goggle has to offer to meet your needs!

Racing goggles are used to create less drag, be more streamlined compared to training goggles with the aim of assisting the swimmer to move faster through the water. 

Racing swimming goggles will ideally have a smaller lens size having a more lower profile lens compared to training goggles to be more streamlined allowing the swimmer to move faster through the water. Therefore, you see most competitive swimmers wear small goggles in training and racing to have less drag and be more streamlined. It’s also a good idea for a competitive swimmer to use racing goggles during training so they are used to smaller racing goggles before they use them on their race days and during important swim competitions or swim meets. With Racing goggles the water will flow over the goggles easier than bulky goggles that will not fit as snug into your eye sockets. Racing goggles can be mirrored or un mirrored and depending on your training and racing environmental conditions and personal preference you will select your lens type and color. Tinted lens will assist in outdoor settings clear and non-mirrored are often better for in-doors swimming providing more clarity. 

Mirrored lens will assist with sunlight pool set environments especially if you are swimming right in the middle of the day and the sun is shining at its brightest.  If you are racing at night, lighter lens colors or clear goggles are best if you need as much vision as possible. If vision does not bother you then normal mirrored goggles are fine at all times. If you need a bit of extra comfort for your racing goggles, choose ones with a bit of silicone padding these will give your eyes a bit more comfort compared to goggles with no silicone padding around the lens.  

Racing goggle selection is very important so you do not have to think about your goggles while you are racing and know they will stay in place and ensure you don’t get water in your eyes,or fall off. So always test your racing goggles during training, use them during test sets to ensure you are used to the way they feel and confident with them being the best goggle for you to swim at your best.  If you require expert assistance, please contact our product specialists on 1300 132 852 or visit an Aqua Shop store for a professional goggle fitting.